• Hands Holding a Heart

Why Gift?

The Global Institute For Transformation's mission is:

Transforming hearts, lives and communities by helping people more appreciatively receive, reciprocate and regift the GIFTs of God.

The need for GIFT:

On the Material front, hunger in our communities is growing, and here are 800 million people globally experiencing hunger. This includes nearly 200 million experiencing extreme food insecurity. Furthermore, almost 700 million people around the world live today in extreme poverty -- subsisting on less than $2.15 per day, the extreme poverty line -- and over 3 billion people struggle with poverty.

On the Spiritual front, too many people have been leaving the Church, and there's been a tremendous increase in the number of people unaffiliated with any faith organization -- especially among our youth and young adults. Which leaves this community without all the accompaniment and support that faith and the Church can provide, and unfortunately during a period of tremendous societal stresses and challenges. 

Yet, research indicates many people are "spiritual but not religious" and they're pursuing ways of nurturing their faith.

Moreover, given that the current state of the Church in the developed world is declining and its influence is far less that it once was, there appears to be a need for the Christian community to become a more fervent, loving, engaged and unified Church.

After all, Jesus prayed for unity in His Church.

And here's an important point to consider: our level of fervent, genuine, Christ-likeness -- are we living as Jesus would have us live?

 While Jesus taught that Christians would be recognizable by their distinctive behavior -- specifically, by the way they love others selflessly, and by living out their lives in a manner that reflects spiritual values and beliefs (i.e., the “fruit” of their transformation) -- a breakthrough, albeit somewhat-dated, survey conducted by the Barna Group indicated that people’s faith does not necessarily manifest itself in our living as Christ-like as might be expected, when assessed across 19 lifestyle activities. In fact, the survey actually "identified several instances in which people’s faith seemed to correlate to behavior that is antithetical to their belief structure." 

More recently, a post-COVID research summary concluded "Americans still find Jesus compelling, but they also feel that the behavior of many of his followers is a problem (e.g.: viewed by others as being judgmental, hypocritical, self-righteous, and arrogant vs. being compassionate, giving, loving, and respectful like Jesus). And it’s not just certain Christians: it’s all Christians.”

In judgement day honesty, could we all be at least somewhat guilty of taking God at least somewhat for granted and not being as devoted to Him or to the wellbeing of our brothers and sisters nearby and around the world, as we're called to be by our loving Father and the example of Jesus' selfless, love-to-the-end life?

In response to all this, GIFT is providing resources for people to build, exercise and share their faith.

The Value Of Continuing Reflecting On -- And Living In Accordance With -- The Two Faith Pillars Of GIFT And TRANSFORMATION:

Given all we've received from God  -- including this incredible world and its trillions of galaxies with billions of stars in each... the water, oxygen, food, warmth and gravity that we need to sustain us... life itself... the millions of plants, animals, fish, insects and reptile species... our amazing bodies with their complex and holistic systems and functionality, from procreation to breathing, to motion, emotion, senses, digestion, cognition and communications, etc... the family, friends, fun and faith we need to enjoy life... Christ's loving presence in our lives... and the hope of love, joy and peace in the company of our loving Father God for all eternity -- we may want to respond more humbly, selflessly lovingly, and fervently in appreciation to God for all His GIFTs.

And, we may want to reciprocate to God more often for all the GIFTs He's given to us by allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us to become the face of Jesus to the world -- and by reGIFTing from some of the many GIFTs He's given us in order to support our brothers and sisters in need, spiritually and materially, and transform our world.

GIFT is committed to encouraging and enabling this and to build communities similarly focused on this.

GIFT's key thought:

Indeed, life is an incredible gift from God, our loving Creator, Provider, Sustainer and Savior -- a GIFT that needs to be more fully appreciated, reciprocated and regifted in loving solidarity with our brothers and sisters here and globally. In order to transform hearts, lives and communities in accordance with the will of God.

And recognizing that everything is a GIFT from our awesome God, we should want to know Him more and to allow Him to transform our lives, so that we live and love more like Him -- and let Him use us and our giftedness to transform our world with His selfless love. So, we can experience life "on earth as it is in heaven," being instruments and encouragers of His perfect, transformative will being fulfilled around the world. 

Moreover, in our striving to living out a more fervent faith -- and in seeking to support our brothers and sisters spiritually and materially -- we can be encouraged by the incredible admonition from Jesus, as he proclaimed, "anyone who has faith in me will do what I've been doing.  He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.  And I will do anything you ask in my name, so that the son may bring glory to the Father," John 14: 12-13.

Question: Are we seeking to be transformative Christians, doing things such as Jesus Himself did???


“Today, it’s vital for Christians to fully serve Jesus and be separate from the world again. There has to be a marked difference between faithful transformers and fruitless conformers. Trying to attract the world by being like the world is the opposite of our heritage as believers. If we’re going to be transformers today, we need to mix into the batch of culture but never blend in. Our early church brothers and sisters did their part. Now it’s time for us to do ours.”  http://www.wnd.com/2016/10/how-christians-can-transform-the-world/#4eflU52eAGSZBF87.99

"The Risen Lord calls everyone to labor in his vineyard, that is, in a world that must be transformed
in view of the final coming of the Reign of God; and the Holy Spirit empowers all with the various gifts and ministries for the building up of the Body of Christ... All of the baptized are called to work toward   the transformation of the world... All of the faithful are called in various ways to share in the Church’s mission of announcing the reign of God and  transforming the world in the light of Christ…” http://www.usccb.org/upload/co-workers-vineyard-lay-ecclesial-ministry-2005.pdf (pgs. 7, 8; 20)

“The issue of spiritual transformation is not new in the Christian faith.  It has been a primary issue, though perhaps given different labels, throughout church history.” https://bible.org/seriespage/model-spiritual-transformation

“With Christ we can transform ourselves and the world,” proclaimed Pope Francis, in his first Palm Sunday message, 2013.

"In the end, life is not about accumulation. It is much more than success. To be truly alive is to be transformed from within, open to the energy of God's love. In accepting the power of the Holy Spirit, you too can transform your families, communities and nations," noted Pope Benedict XVI at World Youth Day Apostolic Journey to Sydney: Vigil with the young people at Randwick Racecourse in Sydney (July 19, 2008) | BENEDICT XVI (vatican.va)


GIFT Leadership Brings a Mosaic of Life-Transforming Faith Experiences To Fulfill Unity, Charity, Spirituality And Fraternity.

GIFT was launched under the guidance of Church leaders from both Catholic and Protestant denominations. GIFT can help enable unity, in that GIFT uses NIV Biblical text in its spiritual resources which have also received Imprimaturs from the Catholic Church -- making GIFT resources uniquely suitable for cross-denominational (unified) faith-building dialogues and powerful community outreach.

GIFT was founded by a number of Christian lay personnel: a licensed minister in the Nazarene Church who had been a Catholic Sacristan and Eucharistic Minister, who left the Catholic church but then returned to the Catholic Faith; and by two fervent Catholic lay leaders.

GIFT is a cross-denominational, 501(c)(3) ministry:

  • GIFT was endorsed by Archbishop (Emeritus) Elden Curtiss as "sorely needed," due to our focus on and innovations in Material/Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
  • GIFT was also encouraged by Nazarene District Superintendent, Larry White


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